Madara Child TP

$ 29

Codename: TP – A child theme for Madara


Regular license

A regular license gives you access to the installation files and dedicated support for 1 year. After 1 year:

  • You can continue to use this add-on on your site as long as you want
  • You can transfer this add-on license to another site which you owns
  • You cannot access to the new version released after your license's expired date
  • Your dedicated support is expired

1.0.4 – 06.09.2023




Codename: TP – A child theme for Madara (It is required to have parent theme Madara installed). What to expect:

  • New 3 shortcodes – see parameters for slider shortcode here: Shortcode Parameters
    • [tp_manga_slider]
    • [tp_manga_heroslider]
    • [tp_heading tag=”” link_url=”” link_title=”” style=””]
      • tag – HTML Tag for this heading. For example: h1, h2, h3
      • link_url – URL of the “link_title” text
      • link_title – Text for adding a link to the right of the heading
      • style – Custom CSS style for the heading
  • Additional Ads Slot on top of the page (Theme Options > Advertising > Ads Top Page)
  • One-click sample data (Madara Dashboard > Sample Data)
  • Dark theme is fully supported. Light theme is partially supported, RTL to be updated soon

On our demo page, we use these additional FREE plugins:

We also use one of our premium plugins: WP Manga Chapter Thumbnail. Note that this plugin is not included in the download package

Note: This child theme’s layout requires your site to use Manga Banner Image (horizontal layout) for each Manga, as they will be used for the Hero Slider and the main image in the Manga Detail page. Default Featured Image (vertical layout) will be used for Manga Thumbnail in the loop (archives page) or in other sliders

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  • #v1.0.4 - 06.09.2023
    • #Fix - broken off-canvas layout right after logging-in
    • #Fix - minor layout issues
  • #v1.0.3.3 - 24.07.2023
    • #Fix - minor bugs
  • # 14.05.2023 - v1.0.3.2
    • #Fix - Most Viewed option for TP Manga Slider
    • #Fix - some CSS/color issues
  • # 02.04.2023 - v1.0.3.1
    • #Fix - set homepage displays a static page when installing sample data
  • # 01.04.2023 - v1.0.3
    • #Update - support Comments form in Chapter Reading page
  • # 26.02.2023 - v1.0.2
    • #Fix - User Rating feature
    • #Update - support User Menu location
  • # 17.02.2023 - v1.0.1
    • #Fix - in some cases, activating theme is not working properly
  • # 14.02.2023 - First release

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