
We are happy to announce that Madara 1.2 is released today with these updates:

  • #Add: Custom Badge feature (ex. Spoiler tag)
  • #Add: floating/side ads
  • #Add: shortcode to display all chapters for a single manga
  • #Update: option to allow comments on chapter, instead of manga
  • #Update: support Disqus comments
  • #Update: add text domain for translation in plugins
  • #Update: option to remove Select Hosting when there is only 1 option
  • #Update: support .gif feature image
  • #Update: navigate to next page when clicking on chapter image
  • #Update: redirect to login page if visitors go to User Settings page
  • #Update: upload images to different folder on Amazon storage
  • #Fix: next & prev chapter buttons in Manga Reading – List Style
  • #Fix: chapter order by Name
  • #Fix: orderby option in Front-page template
  • #Fix: login & register form layout on mobile

Make sure you update all plugins and theme to make them compatible with new versions.

In addition, we published add-ons for Madara to extend your manga theme feature. You can check it here:


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