
By default, there are the defined manga status:

  • Ongoing
  • Completed
  • Canceled
  • On hold
  • Coming

In case you need to add more status, for instance, the status of how manga is being translated. Then you can use the filter wp-manga-series-status-list to add more custom status for your site. You can follow the steps below

  1. Add this PHP code snippet to functions.php in child theme, or a custom plugin.
function wp_manga_translating_status($status_list){ 
$status_list['dropped_by_translator'] = esc_html__( 'Dropped by Transalator', WP_MANGA_TEXTDOMAIN ); 
return $status_list; 

2. You will see new custom status that implemented to default status list. When adding or editing manga, you can add the custom status like this.

3. Now the custom status is ready to be shown up in front end, and used for manga filter.

To filter the manga by Manga status, you need to use WP-Manga: Manga Search widget, with Advanced option.

Hope this helps!


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