
If you’re looking to integrate WP Discuz plugin with the Madara theme for your manga site, this guide will help you set it up properly. WP Discuz is a popular alternative to the default WordPress Comments System, offering enhanced features and better engagement. While Disqus is widely used, it has received poor ratings due to lack of support and synchronization issues with WordPress comments.

WP Discuz, on the other hand, is a rising star, with nearly 50,000 downloads and a high rating on However, since Madara does not officially support WP Discuz, some features might not work perfectly. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to enable WP Discuz on Manga detail pages and chapter pages with a simple tweak.

Step 1: Install and Configure WP Discuz

  1. Download WP Discuz from the official WordPress repository: WP Discuz Plugin
  2. Activate the plugin in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Go to Comments > Forms and either create a new comment form or use the default one.
  4. Add fields and configure them as needed.
  5. Enable comments for Manga:
    • Check the wp-manga checkbox in the “Display comment form for post types” field.
    • Save your settings.

WP Discuz plugin settings page

At this point, WP Discuz will work on Manga detail pages, but not on Chapter pages due to how Madara handles content storage.

Step 2: Enable WP Discuz for Chapter Pages

Since WP Discuz does not support chapters (because they are not stored as custom post types in WordPress), we need to modify the plugin’s core files to make it work.

1. Modify the WP Discuz Plugin Core File

To enable comments on chapter pages, download the modified frontFormHtml() function and replace it in the following file:

📂 plugins/wpdiscuz/forms/wpdFormAttr/Field/TextField.php

2. Adjust Comment Thread Display Settings

  1. In WP Discuz settings, navigate to Comment Thread Displaying.
  2. Set it to “Load With Page” to ensure comments load properly with chapters.

Step 3: Extend WP Discuz with Additional Features

WP Discuz comes with many premium add-ons that enhance comment functionality. You can check them out here:
🔗 WP Discuz Add-ons

WP Discuz form settings

WP Discuz settings panel with 'Load With Page'

Final Thoughts

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate WP Discuz plugin with the Madara theme, allowing users to comment on both Manga detail pages and Chapter pages. This setup enhances reader engagement and provides a better discussion experience on your site.

If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out, and we’ll update this guide accordingly.



  1. Alex

    Everything works, you need straight hands. Problems begin when there are more than 500,000 comments on the site, the plugin starts to slow down a lot.

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