WP Manga Watermark

$ 19

Regular license

A regular license gives you access to the installation files and dedicated support for 1 year. After 1 year:

  • You can continue to use this add-on on your site as long as you want
  • You can transfer this add-on license to another site which you owns
  • You cannot access to the new version released after your license's expired date
  • Your dedicated support is expired




To protect your original work, adding watermark is a choice. This plugin will add a (image) watermark to every images when you upload a chapter.

You can configure position of the watermark any any point and upload your image watermark, is that simple?

Please note that it works with new uploaded chapters only. It doesn’t auto add watermarks to existing chapters

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#v1.0.4 - 15.11.2022 - #update - support adding watermark when uploading multi-chapters #v1.0.3 - 02.06.2020 - #fix - support transparent watermark #v1.0.2 - 15.07.2019 - #fix - cannot read watermark image on some servers - #improve - image quality after adding watermark #v1.0.1 - 04.03.2019 - Cannot add watermark to images when upload multi-chapters