WP Manga Member Upload PRO

(4 customer reviews)

$ 119

Allow members to submit their own manga. It’s suitable when you have different translator teams or solo artists who can upload their work from front-end. When combine with other membership plugin, you can limit the right to upload easily.

Regular license

A regular license gives you access to the installation files and dedicated support for 1 year. After 1 year:

  • You can continue to use this add-on on your site as long as you want
  • You can transfer this add-on license to another site which you owns
  • You cannot access to the new version released after your license's expired date
  • Your dedicated support is expired



Madara 1.5.3+





This plugin allows members to upload manga from front-end. It’s suitable when you have different translator teams who can submit their own work. When combine with other membership plugins, you can limit the right to upload easily.


  • Allow users to upload manga from front-end
  • Allow Manga owner to edit manga, upload chapters from front-end
  • Set default pending or published status
  • Limit upload permission by user roles
  • Admin can review submitted Manga
  • Edit Manga from front-end
  • Exclude selected users from being reviewed
  • Shortcodes to put the form anywhere


  1. After installed, go to “User Settings”, appear “Add Manga” and “Upload Chapters” page
  2. To configure, go to Manga > WP Manga Settings
    1. If you want to customize the page “Add Manga” and “Upload Chapters”, disable “Enable Upload Form in ‘User Settings’ page” box and insert the form in your custom pages using shortcode (see “Using Shortcode”)
    2. Set “Default Manga Post Status”. If set to “Publish”, submitted Manga and Chapters are not reviewed by published right away. If set to “Pending”, they are in review state before published.
    3. Check which user roles are allowed to submit manga and upload chapters. You can install a Custom User Roles plugin to extend these roles.
    4. Enable “Edit Manga” page in Front-end → a Edit button will appear in Manga page allow Manga Owner or Editor and Administrator to edit.
  3. Review submitted Manga and chapters in Manga > Review Requests
  4. You can exclude some users from waiting for review. When those users submit manga and chapters, they will not appear in Review Requests but will be published right away


You can enable “Front-end Edit” feature so that admin, editor or author of the series can make changes directly in front-end. They can edit all manga information, replace thumbnail, add/edit/remove chapters

Currently you can only choose 1 type of content to be upload-able from front-end (either Text/Video or Manga).


  1. Shortcode [muupro_upload_manga] to show the submit manga formParameters
    • redirect – string – URL to redirect after submit manga. Default no redirect
    • other_name – 1/0 – show input field for Alternative Name. Default 0
    • horizontalthumb – 1/0 – show file upload for Horizontal Image Thumb. Default 0
    • author – 1/0 – show input field for Manga Authors
    • author_required – 1/0 – make Manga Authors required or not. Default 0
    • artist – 1/0 – show input field for Manga Artists. Default 0
    • type – 1/0 – show input field for Manga Type. Default 0
    • types – string – list of predefined Manga Types to select from. When “types” is empty, an input box for Manga Type is used, otherwise, a Select Box is used.
    • type_required – 1/0 – make Manga Type required or not. Default 0
    • status – 1/0 – show select box for Manga Status. Default 0
    • adult – 1/0 – show select box for Manga Adult Content. Default 0
    • badge – 1/0 – show select box for Manga Badge. Default 0
    • tags – 1/0 – show input field for Manga Tags. Default 0
    • genres – 1/0 – show list of checkboxes for Manga Genres. Default 0
    • release – 1/0 – show input field for Manga Release Year. Default 0

    All parameters are optional. For example:

    [muupro_upload manga redirect=”https://yoursite.com/add-chapters” horizontalthumb=”1″ author=”1″ author_required=”1″ artist=”1″ description=”1″ other_name=”1″ type= “1” type_required=”0″ status=”1″ genres=”1″ adult=”1″ tags=”1″ badge=”1″]

  2. Shortcode [muupro_upload_chapters] (for Images Chapter) and [muupro_upload_novel_chapter] (for Text Chapter) to show add chapters formParameters
    • owner – 1/0 – Require users to be Manga Owner to add chapters to a manga. When “owner” is 0, users can only add chapters to a published manga. They cannot see pending (in review) manga.
    • seo – 1/0 – show Chapter SEO field. Default 0
    • warning – 1/0 – show Chapter Warning Text field. Default 0
    • title – 1/0 – show Chapter Title field. Default 1. If title is not required, Chapter Number is used as title
    • extendname – 1/0 – show Chapter Extend Name field. Default 0.
    • volume – 1/0 – enable Volume select when uploading

    For example

    [muupro_upload_chapter owner=”1″]


See video:

  1. Create a page for Manga Upload Form. Add shortcode [muupro_upload_manga] to the page content.
    Let name it “Submit Manga”, so the URL should be “https://yoursite.com/submit-manga
  2. Create another page for Chapter Upload Form. Add shortcode [muupro_upload_chapters] to the page content
    Let name it “Submit Chapters”, so the URL should be “https://yoursite.com/submit-chapters
  3. Configure the form using shortcode parameters.
  4. Put links to those pages somewhere so users can access, for example on Main Navigation



  • WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.2+ supports all 3 types (Manga, Video, Text – Novel). However, you cannot use all 3 types at the same time
  • WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.0+ only supports Manga Type
  • Manga Member Upload 1.2.1 (old version) supports all 3 types (Manga, Video, Text – Novel)
  1. Ranat Robert (verified owner)

    my website is only for front end uploading,
    It is only for members to submit their own manga.
    I REALLY need this extension so bad, but unfortunately It is not useful for me right now
    It is need many updates:
    1- member can upload only one time for specific manga, he cannot upload another chapter in another time
    2-member cannot modify the information of his own manga, or even his chapters

    I hope you can update this extension with these features so that I can use it in my website

  2. mangabooth (verified owner)

    Hi Ranat, Version 1.2 has been released and now Members can edit Manga from front-end easily. Hope you like it 🙂

  3. amd

    Hi please help me, how can user/ member/ manga owner delete their manga in front page without to access to backend? Help

  4. maxi (verified owner)

    Recommendation to improve the plugin:
    – that part where to search the manga, to upload a chapter of a manga. add a small thumbnail on the manga cover. (to see the specific manga and not another).

    – an option to enable and disable (the titles of all manga are shown), that any user can resume a manga that was abandoned by its previous translator (with administrator review to approve)

    – the possibility to edit the colors on the page where the manga are uploaded.

    – change the upload animation wheel to a progress bar, the number of images uploaded, and a success message when uploading.

    – add a (I am not a “silent” google robot). for better security. this is when a user can upload a manga to the web.

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one + eleven =

  • #16.09.2022 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - minor bugs
  • #30.06.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - edit chapter name, delete chapter from front-end
    • #Fix - front-end upload progress does not animate properly
    • #Fix - empty chapter title in the Request Requests admin page
  • #30.06.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - override plugin template files in theme
    • #Fix - checkbox Adult when uploading from front-end doesn't work
    • #Fix - cannot choose Volume when uploading from front-end
    • #Fix - CSS for input in dark schema
    • #Update - language files
  • #15.06.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - hide Edit Manga link in the front-end when it is disbled in admin
  • #13.06.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - allow to override plugin template files in theme
  • #26.05.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Update - admin and manga author can view pending chapters in front-end
    • #Fix - minor bugs when refusing chapters
  • #20.05.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - update language file
  • #08.05.2021 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Update - add Edit link for chapters in the list
    • #Fix - minor bugs, update language file
  • #26.05.2020 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - splashes are added to single quote characters
  • #05.04.2020 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - cannot set Chapter Permissions for Text Chapter when in Front-end Upload
  • #23.03.2020 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - incorrect cropped size for Horizontal (Banner) Image
  • #4.12.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.2.2
    • #Fix/Update - cannot refuse/accept request if Chapter is manually deleted
    • #Fix/Update - cannot re-upload chapter having same Chapter Number if Chapter is manually deleted
  • #21.10.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.2.1
    • #Fix/Update - support adding Video/Text type manga
  • #13.10.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.2
    • #Add - support Choosing/Creating Volume when upload new chapters
    • #Add - support Text Chapter when uploading
  • #05.08.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.1.3
    • #Fix - cannot save Manga Type and Adult Content
    • #Improve - allow to edit Text Chapter Content directly from front-end
  • #26.06.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Improve - support WP Manga Watermark plugin
  • #26.06.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO
    • #Fix - cannot save "badge"
    • #Fix - allow "admin" & "editor" edit all mangas
  • #18.06.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.1.2
    • #Fix - property "types" does not work
    • #Fix - allow "admin" & "editor" edit all mangas
  • #13.06.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.1.1
    • #Fix - duplicate posts when viewing as guests in front-end
    • #Fix - unable to upload chapters with same chapter number if they were uploaded before and removed
    • #Fix - show Chapter Extend Name field in User Settings panel
  • #05.06.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.1
    • #Add - parameters to shortcode [muupro_upload_chapters] including extendname & title
    • #Add - parameters to shortcode [muupro_upload_manga] including release (year)
    • #Fix - some bugs
  • #31.05.2019 - WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.0.1
    • + Support upload to cloud
    • + Add parameters to hide Chapter SEO + Chapter Warning when submitting
    • + Fix error - chapter extend name is [object]
  • #30.05.2019 - Added WP Manga Member Upload PRO 1.0
  • #03.01.2019 - Version 1.1.2
    • + Fix bug when Chapter Type is hidden when uploading
    • + regenerate language file
  • #27.03.2018 - Version 1.2.1
    • + Fix icons class name