WP Manga FTP/SFTP Storage

$ 39

Regular license

A regular license gives you access to the installation files and dedicated support for 1 year. After 1 year:

  • You can continue to use this add-on on your site as long as you want
  • You can transfer this add-on license to another site which you owns
  • You cannot access to the new version released after your license's expired date
  • Your dedicated support is expired
Madara Core

The FTP Storage add-on allows you to upload chapter images to any external servers which support FTP connect. After installed, it will create an additional settings panel in Manga > WP Manga Storage settings page

These settings can be taken from your FTP server. For example, we use Bunny CDN service. It is a CDN, but it provides FTP access. Once sign up, you will find settings for Storage Zone and Pull Zone. Imagin that Storage zone is the “Storage Path” setting and Pull Zone is the Domain setting in the above screenshot.

The FTP & API Access tab will give you settings you needed, while the Pull Zone give you a default Hostname to use. In this example, madara.b-cdn.net. 

So whenever you upload an image using FTP Storage and above settings, the image URL will be something like “https://madara.b-cdn.net/madara/manga_xxx/chapter-1/1.jpg”

Although the above example is for BunnyCDN, you can use FTP Storage for any FTP Server to server as your CDN.

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two × 2 =

  • #2.2.2 - 04.11.2021
    • #Update: support .webp upload
    • #Fix: minor bugs
  • #2.2 - 11.05.2021
    • #Update: SFTP protocol supports WP User Upload PRO
  • #2.1.3 - 05.05.2021
    • #Fix: unable to upload multiple chapters using FTP protocol
  • #2.1.2 - 05.04.2021
    • #Fix: warning message on WP 5.7 due to localize script call
    • #Improve: minor issues
  • #2.1 - 30.11.2020
    • #Fix: cannot upload multiple chapters
  • # - 26.11.2020
    • #Update: check if SFTP server has unzip library
    • #Fix: unable to unzip file with a space in name
  • #2.0 - 30.10.2020
    • #Update: Support SFTP/SSH to upload and unzip chapter file faster
    • #Fix: remove files on FTP/SFTP server when chapter is deleted
  • # - 11.06.2020
    • #Fix: FTP Storage is not initialized during Automatic Crawling process (with manga Crawler plugin)
  • #1.0.2 - 24.04.2019
    • #Fix: only see FTP Storage when editing chapter